Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where to start...

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the why of things and actually been getting quite depressed because I can't seem to figure out any of life's bigger questions. I thought maybe writing them down would help, as would getting some other perspectives - maybe someone has even figured some of this stuff out.

I remember the Morlock in 'Time Machine' saying that the ultimate self destructive question was "what if." I think it's "why." For instance, I don't understand why religion is such a big dividing point among people. Millions (billions?) of people have died, lands destoyed, lives ruined all in the name of who we call God and how we worship Him/Her/Them. Why is this? Why can't we just respect one another's beliefs and move on? Why do we as humans feel the need to foist our beliefs on others and kill them if they don't accept them? You see what I mean about the tough questions....

Why do we make distinctions about people based on the color of their skin or any other physical characteristic? Other animals don't do this. Cats don't exclude one another from their colonies because of fur color or because one has a smooshed nose and another doesn't. Dogs don't form packs based on breed or color. Why do we? What makes humans think that any physical characteristic would make someone better or worse than anyone else - or for that matter, more or less human?

I do believe in a Creator. I'm just trying to understand why He/She/It/Them would make us this way. What purpose does it serve? Science has shown us that all animals adopt behaviors and attitudes for their own benefit or the benefit of their species - but I'll be damned if I can figure out the benefit in so much hate and violence in the world.

Maybe I'll talk about politics next - its bound to be easier....

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